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DTU´s Oticon Hall

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jun 13 2022


4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Spændende foredrag om forskelle og ligheder på kvinder og mænds hjerne, af britisk neuro-videnskabskvinde Gina Rippon

Experience the British neurobiologist and professor of cognitive neuroimaging, and author of the book “The Gendered Brain – The New Neuroscience that Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain”, Gina Rippon, june 13 at DTU – Technical University of Denmark.

Gina Rippon is an international researcher in the field of cognitive neuroscience based at the Aston Brain Centre at Aston University in Birmingham.

Her research involves the use of state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques to investigate development disorders such as autism.
She is also an advocate for initiatives to help overcome the under-representation of women in STEM-subjects. As part of a European Union Gender Equality Network, she has addressed conferences all over the world.

Based on her book Gina Rippon will give us a lecture on the importance of life experiences and biology in brain development and make us wiser about whether biology determines, whether there is a difference between women and men neurobiologically speaking.

The Lecture will take place 13 June 2022 from 16:30 – 18:30 at DTU´s Oticon Hall.
Read more and buy your ticket HERE

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